Our Team

Larry Lynch (Extension 701) President [email protected]
Larry Lynch is a lifelong "foody," but just as important, he is passionate about business and associations. It's why he took over the reins of the United States Personal Chef Association in 2010. The good news is that Larry is much better in the office than in the kitchen!
Larry has been leading associations for over 30 years (not including a 10-year break where he worked as Director of Disney Institute). Larry's expansive association experience includes organizations such as packaging manufacturers, CPAs, and veterinarians. But they all had one thing in common: smaller businesses in competitive environments that succeeded more by what they did together through their respective association than anything they did alone.
Larry is a long-time self-proclaimed geek and early adopter of technology, so don't be surprised when you meet him if he's sporting the new Apple Watch! All of that ties nicely with his love for professional development and ensuring members have the tools they need to succeed in their businesses. He loves competition and admits to watching several food-related television shows. It ties nicely with his goal to convert a certain Food Network producer/executive into a personal chef-raving fan!
When you don't find Larry in the office or in an airplane heading to some far-off nation (and that's ANOTHER whole story), you'll either find him on one of Florida's pristine beaches basking in the sun or with his kayak and surfboard waiting for calm seas or waves respectively. If that doesn't work, then it's biking. And it's not just the bicycle, but lots of time and mileage tooling around on his Harley Davidson.
But if you ask Larry about his greatest food memories, the incredible culinary programs were a highlight of Disney Institute, including the best food and wine. You can see it in all the passion for USPCA and the association's awesome members.
Angela Prather (Extension 705)
Angela is one of a kind, it is often said. She prefers to believe this is a compliment at all times. Angela has several passions: her children, veterans, and a deep love for helping small businesses succeed, whether working with those businesses directly consulting or via associations striving to assist their member businesses.
A natural salesperson with an uncanny ability to tap dance, she enjoys bringing new members aboard to take their business to the next level and forming mutually beneficial partnerships with companies in the industry. Whether in her roles as Membership and Partnership Manager with USPCA or in her consulting firm, she thrives on finding creative ways to impact businesses' bottom line to ensure their continued success.
In her free time, Angela is on the board and volunteers for several military-based non-profits working with veterans and their families. A US Navy Veteran and mother of a US Marine, she knows the value of giving back, especially to those who have served and their families.
Interested in becoming a member, partnering with USPCA, or sharing an idea? Give her a call at (800) 995-2138 x705
Vince Likar (Extension 700)
Director of Member Service and Chapter Relations [email protected]
Vince worked in the food service industry for 17 years before joining the United States Personal Chef Association.
He received culinary training at the Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute. He worked for the Marriott and Doubletree Hotels and opened several local restaurants before moving to Café Oceana as Executive Chef.
During his service there, the restaurant was voted "Best Seafood restaurant in Albuquerque for three successive years. Vince became the corporate chef overseeing the Café Oceana and its two sister restaurants.
Vince joined USPCA in 1995 as the chef for Personally Yours Personal Chef Service. In 1998, he took over as the USPCA Director of Training. In 1999, the U.S. Air Force contracted Vince as an instructor for the Air Force Diplomatic Fleet Flight Attendants at Andrews AFB.
Vince was named National Director of USPCA in 2005 and Executive Director in 2009. Vince is currently the Director of Member Service and Chapter Relations.
Vince is married to his lovely wife, Marcy, and has a teenage son, Jared.
Dan Chancellor (Extension 703)

Dan Chancellor doesn't know much about cooking or preparing meals, but he more than makes up for it with his willingness to eat any food made for him. He also has first-hand experience with food safety rules and regulations from his time with the National Registry of Food Safety Professionals (and his multiple part-time jobs in the food industry growing up).
Dan has a passion for organizing, creating, and supporting team members and association members. While his focus is on marketing now, it hasn't always been that way. Dan has worked as an office manager, teacher, and coordinator for a closed captioning company (and he is also trained as a stenographer).
He loves technology, board games, the Philadelphia Eagles, and planning for and attending USPCA's national conference. The conference allows him to put faces to the membership names and connect with chefs nationwide. (Not to mention the chance to taste all the food from the incredible cooking classes every year.)
Dan lives in Orlando with his wife, Jamie, and his elementary-age son Elijah.